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Sandringham Primary School Blog

Sandringham Primary School, one of the oldest schools in the State of Victoria (about 15kms south east of Melbourne city), tells the story of a thriving kitchen garden that has literally risen from the ashes!


Five years ago, after a serious fire, the school’s classes and vegetable garden were relocated to temporary accommodation while a brand new school was built.


The newly created vegetable garden is beginning to take shape and Jack is thrilled to be supporting this initiative through the donation of horticultural support products.

Sandringham Public School garden beds

December 2024

Currently there are seven beds, growing everything from corn, climbing beans and sunflowers to potatoes, basil and onions. The blueberries, strawberries, pumpkins, cucumbers and raspberries are thriving.

Two espaliered apple trees, together with numerous citrus trees, have also been added to the mix.

Sandringham Public School worm farm

A worm farm was established at the beginning of the year – a favourite with the children – with scraps from the kitchen contributing to the worms’ diet. The beneficial worm castings and worm juice are a vital source of nourishment for all plants.

Sandringham pupils play a vital role in planting and maintaining the gardens via their garden lessons – activities include planting seeds for future crops in the small glasshouses, weeding, mulching and watering vegetable with ‘worm juice’ (collected from the worm farm).

winter vegies 2024

Integral to the entire gardening experience is learning what can be done with the produce. The children gather herbs, for example, chopping them and drying them prior to taking them home. Cooking lessons, using garden produce are provided every three weeks – beetroot, choc chip muffins are curretnly on the menu.

Sandringham PS_garden veggies

Future plans include the creation of a small orchard (the original was demolished to make way for a bike shed) and a sensory garden, which will feature some interesting plants to smell, feel and occasionally taste – already on the list of inclusions are mints, basil, thyme, lavenders, fennel and lambs ears.